Hey! I'm André, a Product designer.

I specialize in UX design and visual design, and I am currently learning augmented reality principles & design systems. I have over ten years of design experience, and I am focused on creating solutions to make things easier for the user and the businesses to achieve their goals. Currently @ Hootsuite.

Nice to meet you!


Case Studies

Palm Tree

My Expertise

UX Design & Strategy

I always start with "why." UX is my passion, and I have been developing these skills for many years. I am passionate about understanding the design process, research, interaction and visual design. My goal is always a balance between user needs and business needs.

Visual Design

Pixel perfection. I have over ten years of visual design experience that includes graphic design, web design and email design. Becoming a product designer has been a seamless transition, as I have more to offer than just design skills.

Photography & Video

A hobby at first, but now I'm a pro. In my spare time, I am a photographer and videographer. I shoot weddings and portraits and help some YouTubers build their channels. I love having the camera in my hand; it's my second love next to design.

Marketing Skills

Communication and understanding the market. Before deciding to become a product designer, I self-studied social media marketing and email marketing. These skills parallel nicely with being a product designer as I have experienced understanding markets, talking to consumers and building products based on the user's wants and needs.

Nice to meet you.

Hey, I'm André, your next designer.

Who I am I?

I am a creative product designer dedicated to bringing fresh and innovative ideas through my design process. My specialty is on the visual design side of things. Still, I love the whole process from speaking to users and getting a deep understanding of what they need, then connecting the need to wireframing, prototyping, business needs, and marketing. I am very comfortable communicating with development teams, and I'm excited about building something people will love. If you share the same enthusiasm, let's chat.

What do I do?

I am a designer at heart. I love colours, fonts and ideating. I love being apart of the process from the very beginning. My design style is clean and clear. I believe in not overwhelming the user with too much information. I combine research, user flows, wireframes and prototyping to tell the product's story and build engaging solutions for the user. My goal for the user is to engage with the product and not have to "think about it." A happy user means that they will come back for more, which helps the business!

What am I passionate about?

To answer this question, I want to paint you a picture. I am sitting in my living room with my wife. She is a millennial, but when it comes to technology, she is impatient. I tell her about this fantastic new app that allows her to organize her closet of hundreds of shoes (please make this app someone). She downloads that app. What happens next? It could go two ways. She could look at the app, be totally overwhelmed and get irritated with me for wasting her time, or she can go through a well laid-out onboarding process that is easy. Creating that peace of mind, ease of use, and a good experience is what drives my passion. If I can do that for thousands of users like my wife, I'll be happy.

How do I give back?

I am very active in the UX community. I am apart of a few groups and help organize and host events. Here is a YouTube video of me hosting Maddy Beard, an Adobe Creative Resident. (Watch below)

I am in the UX Wizards, Vancouver Design Group, Design Buddies, Calgary UX and DesignX. I also volunteer for the Digital Alberta design team.

Outside of design, I volunteer at my local church as a musician and sometimes with the media.

What is my superpower?

I would say problem-solving and being resourceful. I love to learn, so it's fun
to read about random stuff. But really, I want to be the Black Panther.

Where do I want to see my career take me in the future?

This is a loaded question. One thing you will learn about me is that I am very optimistic and a dreamer. My goal is to be a design leader and teach people how to get to where I am. I want to be an example for young black men and show them there is a different path. As a young black man, I did not have the opportunity until recently to find a mentor that is a black male design leader. I want to be the start of many black design leaders in the UX field. It's ambitious, yes, but if not me, then who? I want that responsibility.

And? What else?

I will list the other things I love:

My wife. She's cool.
Chillhop music.
A hot summer afternoon with a drumstick in my hand (it could be the ice cream or it could be the instrument, I play drums too).
The latest technology. My house is decked out.
The Toronto Raptors. Yes, I bought a ring.
Did I mention design?

André Lindo

Product Designer
Relevant Experience


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UX Designer
Government of Alberta
November 2017 - Current


  • Product Design
  • UX design
  • Wireframing
  • Graphic Design
  • Web design
  • Design Systems
  • Photography
  • Video editing
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

June 2016 - July 2017


  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • Webflow
  • Notion
  • Asana
  • Trello
  • Whimsical
  • Miro
  • Whiteboards
  • Any design tool

UI/UX Designer
Panasonic Canada Inc.
April 2009 - April 2015

Online Courses

Shape Design Co.
Product Design

UX Design Masterclass
Intro to UX Design


MacEwan University

Photography Studies
Ryerson University

Digital Media Arts
Seneca College

Portfolio extra

UI Design

Student Aid Re-Design
TheBrick Email Design
Panasonic Web Design